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Kenneth Smith

“I'm not gonna lie. It's not toxic, but I do have a huge ego. It's a non-toxic, giant ego.”

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James "Bo" Vandiver

"I'll do whatever to make sure that freight gets delivered on time, which by on time is at least a half an hour early and it's always been that way.”

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Francine Livingston

"I guess the advice that I would give to other women that are considering a career, get yourself a thick skin and don't let what other people say discourage you.”

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Lehua Anderson

"I come from a family of big Polynesian men, and men don't scare me.”

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Alex The Trucking Guy

"I am a very determined person. Like if I have a dream, I don't care what's in my way, I don't care how much pain I have to go through, I don't care... I will get it done."

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Julian Jones

"I think communication is big in a company, without communication you find yourself alone."

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Nicholas Larson

"Falling in love with the road is actually what made me get into trucking. I already love it, might as well get paid to do it."

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Justine Downie

"I hate to say it, but maybe I had that cowboy-itis in the beginning where you think you're the best there ever was."

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Tim Romines

"I look straight ahead, because that's where everything is going to happen"

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Edward Plow

"I wanted to be happy... I wanted to be a driver."

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Alexis Short

"Trucking was definitely a challenge in the beginning… I started driving as a team with my husband"

GP Transco driver highlights page.

Joshua Almond

"It's like when I'm in that survival mode out in the truck..."

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Frank Magowan

"The amount of money I made just in the year I've been here it's the most money I've made in a single year anywhere, any job I've ever had."

GP Transco driver highlights page.

Christopher Cornelius

“My favorite aspect is the traveling… you did road trips for free, right? That’s how trucking is"

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Jacob Smith

“I was tired of my dead-end job... And I just really enjoy driving.”

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What are our drivers saying

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